Territorial intelligence: State of the theoretical art

  • Sara OUASSOU National School of Business and Management of tangier, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Morocco
  • Chafik BAKOUR National School of Business and Management of tangier, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Morocco


Territorial intelligence is a concept that first appeared in 1998 in France following the declination of economic intelligence, and then became an independent discipline extending to other countries. According to Girardot 2010, the term « Territorial intelligence » has emerged in France in order to better understand the needs of the vulnerable population. It is an innovative approach that aims to fully exploit the resources of a territory by combining a number of tools such as; data analysis, technology and knowledge as well as a set of principles such as participatory approach and partnership, to promote sustainable development.

A relatively recent concept, territorial intelligence can be considered as strategic planning. Some assume that it is close to territorial marketing and territorial development, others claim that it presents a complementarity to economic intelligence.

The study was conducted in the form of a state of the art in order to show the historical evolution of territorial intelligence, its development and scope, as well as to retrace its theoretical corpus.

Abstract text, (abstract must contain Max. 400 words and consist of: Purpose, Design/methodology/approach, Findings, Research limitations/implications, Practical implications, Originality/value, etc…).


Keywords: Territorial intelligence, Economic intelligence, Development.

JEL Classification: O10

Paper type: Theoretical Research


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How to Cite
OUASSOU, S., & BAKOUR, C. (2024). Territorial intelligence: State of the theoretical art. International Journal of Accounting, Finance, Auditing, Management and Economics, 5(4), 597-613. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11077367