The impact of the quality approach on public sector performance: An attempt to design a conceptual model
In recent years, the quality approach has been increasingly implemented in public organizations, despite originating from the private sector, particularly in the field of industrial production where economic principles prevail. Implementing this approach in the public sector, which is subject to a philosophy of public management, is a complex task requiring contextualization and adaptation of models, tools, and methods imported from the private sector. The impact of implementing the quality approach on performance has been the subject of numerous studies in the management sciences literature. The majority of findings in this area confirm a direct correlation between quality practices and performance.
This article aims firstly to provide a theoretical overview of the quality approach and performance in the context of the public sector, particularly regarding concepts, models, and determinants. Secondly, it seeks to examine the relationship between these two approaches. The results of this research highlight a conceptual model to assess the impact of quality approach components that have a positive effect on public sector performance.
Keywords: quality approach, performance, public sector, public management.
Classification JEL: M10, D73
Paper type: Theoretical Research
Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmed El Haiba RDAIT, Driss ENNESRAOUI
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