Exploratory study on the effect of fear of creativity among individuals within Moroccan SMEs
The objective of this article is to study organizational creativity among individuals working in Moroccan SMEs and to highlight the effect of fear on the blocking of creative thinking at work, the study set up was focused on a population of 56 people from different sectors of activity placed in the three regions which represent the importance of the growth of small and medium-sized businesses in Morocco, in order to know the vision of creativity but also the types of obstacles which hinder the improvement of work, a survey was carried out on the ground targeting the three regions which constitute our target population. Based on the tests carried out on the results obtained, the reliability test of the responses was satisfactory (Cronbach's alpha), the survey proved to be rich in discovery highlighting the types of fear that the individual faces in his process of creativity within the organization, direct questions and control questions were put in place in order to deduce the asymmetry of the responses obtained and to know the true vision of individuals regarding the process of creativity in their workplaces, the results of the study were classified into three blocks of analyses, the first concerns creativity within the organization while the second block deals with the analysis of fear of creativity and the third and final block splits the first two in order to clear the paths for improvement. This triple analysis demonstrated that for individuals to be creative, various factors must be put in place including the obligation of management's desire to encourage more creativity but also risk-taking at work given the obstacle trait that it generates but also to provide a conducive environment to eliminate the fear of creativity.
Keywords: creativity, organizational creativity, fear, work environment, SME
JEL Classification : C93, D80, D91, L1, Z13.
Paper type: Empirical research
Copyright (c) 2024 Naima BOUFERAS, MAROUANE NAJAB
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